PVR 9600 FAQs
PVR9600T High Definition Triple Tuner

The PVR9600 is a Hybrid Digital TV/IP based triple tuner personal video recorder. The PVR allows you to record up to six(6)* separate programs within 3 TV channels simultaneously and store recordings onto a 1TB hard drive. The unit also allows you access to some content from the Internet to seamlessly display onto your TV set.
Altech UEC PVR9600 FAQ's
If your Altech UEC PVR9600 is continuously rebooting then please follow the instructions below.
Unplug the power and plug the power back into the PVR9600. When the Altec/Uec screen appears please press the following sequence of 5 x buttons on your remote control as many times as you can, please note you will lose all recordings, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Yellow.
You can also install the latest firmware update here.
If this does not resolve the fault you are experiencing then please download a NAS UEC repair form (here) and email it back to us with a copy of your purchase receipt. We will then generate a repair number so that you can post it to us for repair under warranty.
Contact UEC Support
Authorised UEC Service Agents
UEC Master Distributor NAS Australia has been appointed the service agent for in-warranty and out-of-warranty repair and support.
Contact Support: (07) 3015 8790
Open between:
7:30am ~ 12:00pm & 1:00pm ~ 4:00pm
Monday to Friday.
Service email enquiries: uecsupport@nasaustralia.com.au
Contact VAST
Register or Rehit your Smart Card to Access VAST Services
Contact MySatTV to register your smartcard to gain access to free-to-air TV services. Call MySatTV or register online.
Contact VAST™ Call Center: 1300 993 376
Service and Support
Contact our dedicated team of support experts if you require any assistance with your UECs products.
Call us on (07) 3015 8790
Between 7:30am ~ 12:00pm & 1:00pm ~ 4:00pm Monday to Friday